

By 1881,there were steam boiler inspection associations located throughout most ofGermany. However, each of the experts could still essentially decide on theirown definition of proper functioning.

Eventhough the “Deutscher Verband von Dampfkessel-Überwachungsvereinen” (Germanunion of steam boiler inspection associations) had existed since 1873, therewere no binding standards pertaining to boiler safety.

BetweenMay and June 1881, the union came to an agreement with the “Verein deutscherEisenhüttenleute” (German association of steel manufacturers) regardingmaterial inspections when building boilers.

With these standards,technical inspections were conducted during the building stage to pre-emptivelyminimise the likelihood of accidents. Further standards were approved inHamburg in 1884 with a similar purpose and guidelines forcalculations used in making boiler bodies wereestablished.